

Design of a temperature control system for an egg incubator

Diseño de un sistema de control de temperatura para una incubadora de huevos


  • Juan G. Saa E. Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
  • María J. Cucanchon M. Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas


Control, eggs, incubator, PID, stability, temperature (en).


Control, estabilidad, huevos, incubadora, PID, temperatura (es).


Abstract (en)

In general, an egg incubator is used to increase the productivity of poultry egg incubation. This tool develops a set of important variables that influence the incubation process for successful hatching, one of these variables is temperature. In order to increase the percentage of hatchability of the system, it is necessary to be able to guarantee temperature stability. This article will address the problem of temperature control in a hen egg incubator, which is key to obtaining baby chicks in optimal conditions. Using the PID control system, the aim is to provide a solution to the temperature variation that occurs in the incubation process. Thus, the purpose of this article is to design a temperature control system based on mathematical calculations using experimental data.


Abstract (es)

En general, una incubadora de huevos se utiliza para aumentar la productividad de la incubación de huevos de aves de corral. Esta herramienta desarrolla un conjunto de variables importantes que influyen en el proceso de incubación para una eclosión exitosa, una de estas variables es la temperatura. Para elevar el porcentaje de incubabilidad del sistema, este requiere poder garantizar una estabilidad en la temperatura. En este artículo se abordará el problema del control de la temperatura en una incubadora de huevos de gallina, que es clave para la obtención de pollos bebé en óptimas condiciones. Utilizando el sistema de control PID se busca aportar una solución a la variación de temperatura que se presenta en el proceso de incubación. Así pues, la finalidad de este artículo es diseñar un sistema de control de temperatura a partir de cálculos matemáticos tomando como base datos experimentales.


Author Biographies

Juan G. Saa E., Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas



María J. Cucanchon M., Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas




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How to Cite


Saa E., J. G., and Cucanchon M., M. J. (2020). Design of a temperature control system for an egg incubator. Tekhnê, 17(2), 35–42.


Saa E., J.G. and Cucanchon M., M.J. 2020. Design of a temperature control system for an egg incubator. Tekhnê. 17, 2 (Dec. 2020), 35–42.


Saa E., J. G.; Cucanchon M., M. J. Design of a temperature control system for an egg incubator. Tekhnê 2020, 17, 35-42.


SAA E., Juan G.; CUCANCHON M., María J. Design of a temperature control system for an egg incubator. Tekhnê, [S. l.], v. 17, n. 2, p. 35–42, 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.


Saa E., Juan G., and María J. Cucanchon M. 2020. “Design of a temperature control system for an egg incubator”. Tekhnê 17 (2):35-42.


Saa E., J. G. and Cucanchon M., M. J. (2020) “Design of a temperature control system for an egg incubator”, Tekhnê, 17(2), pp. 35–42. Available at: (Accessed: 19 September 2024).


J. G. Saa E. and M. J. Cucanchon M., “Design of a temperature control system for an egg incubator”, Tekhnê, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 35–42, Dec. 2020.


Saa E., Juan G., and María J. Cucanchon M. “Design of a temperature control system for an egg incubator”. Tekhnê, vol. 17, no. 2, Dec. 2020, pp. 35-42,


Saa E., Juan G., and María J. Cucanchon M. “Design of a temperature control system for an egg incubator”. Tekhnê 17, no. 2 (December 25, 2020): 35–42. Accessed September 19, 2024.


Saa E. JG, Cucanchon M. MJ. Design of a temperature control system for an egg incubator. Tekhnê [Internet]. 2020 Dec. 25 [cited 2024 Sep. 19];17(2):35-42. Available from:

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