

Password-based vehicle access control system for parking lots designed and simulated in Verilog

Sistema de control de acceso de vehículos a estacionamientos con contraseña diseñado y simulado en Verilog


  • Sergio A. Galindo G. Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
  • Hernán D. Hernández G. Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas


Parqueadero, seguridad, sistema digital, sistema de control (es).


Control system, digital system, parking lot, security (en).


Abstract (en)

This paper presents a low-cost embedded system for vehicle entry and exit control in conventional parking lots. Given the pandemic situation, the system seeks to ensure security and service optimization and reduce contact with security staff. The design of a sensor-activated control system that prompts the user for a password to enter or exit the parking lot is presented. In addition, the system incorporates a security alarm that is activated if the user enters the wrong password three times in a row. The simulation was performed by modules that refer to the data flow. The design of the digital components was done in Verilog. The results are successful; the system has a low implementation cost and does not require external components.

Abstract (es)

En este artículo se presenta un sistema embebido de control de ingreso y salida de vehículos en parqueaderos convencionales de bajo costo. El sistema busca garantizar seguridad y optimización del servicio, y además reducir el contacto con el personal de seguridad dada la situación de pandemia. Se presenta el diseño de un sistema de control activado por sensores que solicita al usuario una contraseña para poder entrar o salir del parqueadero. El sistema incorpora una alarma de seguridad que se activa en caso de que este ingrese la contraseña incorrecta tres veces seguidas. La simulación se realizó por módulos que hacen referencia al flujo de datos. El diseño de los componentes digitales se realizó en Verilog. Los resultados obtenidos son satisfactorios, el sistema tiene un bajo coste de implementación y no requiere de componentes externos.


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How to Cite


Galindo G., S. A., and Hernández G., H. D. (2020). Password-based vehicle access control system for parking lots designed and simulated in Verilog. Tekhnê, 17(1), 61–68.


Galindo G., S.A. and Hernández G., H.D. 2020. Password-based vehicle access control system for parking lots designed and simulated in Verilog. Tekhnê. 17, 1 (Jun. 2020), 61–68.


Galindo G., S. A.; Hernández G., H. D. Password-based vehicle access control system for parking lots designed and simulated in Verilog. Tekhnê 2020, 17, 61-68.


GALINDO G., Sergio A.; HERNÁNDEZ G., Hernán D. Password-based vehicle access control system for parking lots designed and simulated in Verilog. Tekhnê, [S. l.], v. 17, n. 1, p. 61–68, 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.


Galindo G., Sergio A., and Hernán D. Hernández G. 2020. “Password-based vehicle access control system for parking lots designed and simulated in Verilog”. Tekhnê 17 (1):61-68.


Galindo G., S. A. and Hernández G., H. D. (2020) “Password-based vehicle access control system for parking lots designed and simulated in Verilog”, Tekhnê, 17(1), pp. 61–68. Available at: (Accessed: 19 September 2024).


S. A. Galindo G. and H. D. Hernández G., “Password-based vehicle access control system for parking lots designed and simulated in Verilog”, Tekhnê, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 61–68, Jun. 2020.


Galindo G., Sergio A., and Hernán D. Hernández G. “Password-based vehicle access control system for parking lots designed and simulated in Verilog”. Tekhnê, vol. 17, no. 1, June 2020, pp. 61-68,


Galindo G., Sergio A., and Hernán D. Hernández G. “Password-based vehicle access control system for parking lots designed and simulated in Verilog”. Tekhnê 17, no. 1 (June 26, 2020): 61–68. Accessed September 19, 2024.


Galindo G. SA, Hernández G. HD. Password-based vehicle access control system for parking lots designed and simulated in Verilog. Tekhnê [Internet]. 2020 Jun. 26 [cited 2024 Sep. 19];17(1):61-8. Available from:

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