

Operational amplifier performance practices in linear applications

Practicas de desempeño del amplificador operacional en aplicaciones lineales



Feedback, high impedance, operational amplifier, reversing amplifier, signal coupling (en).


Acople de señales, alta impedancia, amplificador inversor, amplificador operacional, realimentación (es).


Abstract (en)

In applications that require signal conditioning, i.e., the coupling of electrical signals in which there are no reductions or distortions due to a low impedance circuit, both in analog and digital signals, the operational amplifier (OpAmp, or Op-Amp) is widely used. These integrated circuits are direct-coupled amplifiers with high gain, which in linear applications require feedback through passive elements. This feedback determines the transfer function of the circuit, which is characterized by the elements used and their connection. In this article, we analyze by simulation the theoretical behavior of the OpAmp in basic signal conditioning configurations, including inverting amplifier, non-inverting amplifier, and voltage follower, as well as circuits coupled with these configurations.

Abstract (es)

En aplicaciones que requieren el acondicionamiento de señales, es decir, el acople de señales eléctricas en las cuales no se presenten reducciones o distorsiones a causa de un circuito de baja impedancia, tanto en señales análogas como digitales, se utiliza ampliamente el amplificador operacional (OpAmp, o Op-Amp). Estos circuitos integrados son amplificadores de acoplamiento directo con alta ganancia, que en aplicaciones lineales requiere realimentación mediante elementos pasivos. Esta realimentación determina la función de transferencia del circuito, la cual está caracterizada por los elementos utilizados y su conexión. En este artículo se analiza mediante simulación el comportamiento teórico del OpAmp en configuraciones básicas de acondicionamiento de señales, incluyendo amplificador inversor, amplificador no inversor, y seguidor de voltaje, así como circuitos acoplados con estas configuraciones.


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How to Cite


Rendón Calderón, A. V. (2019). Operational amplifier performance practices in linear applications. Tekhnê, 16(1), 57–68.


Rendón Calderón, A.V. 2019. Operational amplifier performance practices in linear applications. Tekhnê. 16, 1 (Jul. 2019), 57–68.


Rendón Calderón, A. V. Operational amplifier performance practices in linear applications. Tekhnê 2019, 16, 57-68.


RENDÓN CALDERÓN, Angélica Viviana. Operational amplifier performance practices in linear applications. Tekhnê, [S. l.], v. 16, n. 1, p. 57–68, 2019. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.


Rendón Calderón, Angélica Viviana. 2019. “Operational amplifier performance practices in linear applications”. Tekhnê 16 (1):57-68.


Rendón Calderón, A. V. (2019) “Operational amplifier performance practices in linear applications”, Tekhnê, 16(1), pp. 57–68. Available at: (Accessed: 19 September 2024).


A. V. Rendón Calderón, “Operational amplifier performance practices in linear applications”, Tekhnê, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 57–68, Jul. 2019.


Rendón Calderón, Angélica Viviana. “Operational amplifier performance practices in linear applications”. Tekhnê, vol. 16, no. 1, July 2019, pp. 57-68,


Rendón Calderón, Angélica Viviana. “Operational amplifier performance practices in linear applications”. Tekhnê 16, no. 1 (July 5, 2019): 57–68. Accessed September 19, 2024.


Rendón Calderón AV. Operational amplifier performance practices in linear applications. Tekhnê [Internet]. 2019 Jul. 5 [cited 2024 Sep. 19];16(1):57-68. Available from:

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