

Scale anthropomorphic hand based on human anatomy with linear actuators as the basis for motion

Mano antropomorfa a escala basada en anatomía humana con actuadores lineales como base para movimiento


  • David Hernández S. Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
  • Roger Lee L. Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas


Abstract (en)

This article presents the development of an anthropomorphic hand, based on human anatomy. This prototype has a total of 20 degrees of freedom, four for each finger. The design took into account the anatomical features of the human hand such as tendons and joints for different movements. The movements are generated with servomotors and controlled directly from a computer with the help of an Arduino Mega. The parts were designed in Autodesk Inventor and printed on a 3D printer.

Abstract (es)

Éste artículo presenta el desarrollo de una mano antropomorfa, basada en la anatomía humana. Este prototipo tiene un total de 20 grados de libertad, cuatro por cada dedo. El diseño tuvo en cuenta características anatómicas de la mano humana como tendones y articulaciones para los diferentes movimientos. Los movimientos son generados con servomotores y controlados directamente desde una computadora con la ayuda de un Arduino Mega. Las piezas se diseñaron en Autodesk Inventor y se imprimieron en una impresora 3D.

How to Cite


Hernández S., D., and Lee L., R. (2017). Scale anthropomorphic hand based on human anatomy with linear actuators as the basis for motion. Tekhnê, 14(1), 27–42.


Hernández S., D. and Lee L., R. 2017. Scale anthropomorphic hand based on human anatomy with linear actuators as the basis for motion. Tekhnê. 14, 1 (Jul. 2017), 27–42.


Hernández S., D.; Lee L., R. Scale anthropomorphic hand based on human anatomy with linear actuators as the basis for motion. Tekhnê 2017, 14, 27-42.


HERNÁNDEZ S., David; LEE L., Roger. Scale anthropomorphic hand based on human anatomy with linear actuators as the basis for motion. Tekhnê, [S. l.], v. 14, n. 1, p. 27–42, 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.


Hernández S., David, and Roger Lee L. 2017. “Scale anthropomorphic hand based on human anatomy with linear actuators as the basis for motion”. Tekhnê 14 (1):27-42.


Hernández S., D. and Lee L., R. (2017) “Scale anthropomorphic hand based on human anatomy with linear actuators as the basis for motion”, Tekhnê, 14(1), pp. 27–42. Available at: (Accessed: 19 September 2024).


D. Hernández S. and R. Lee L., “Scale anthropomorphic hand based on human anatomy with linear actuators as the basis for motion”, Tekhnê, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 27–42, Jul. 2017.


Hernández S., David, and Roger Lee L. “Scale anthropomorphic hand based on human anatomy with linear actuators as the basis for motion”. Tekhnê, vol. 14, no. 1, July 2017, pp. 27-42,


Hernández S., David, and Roger Lee L. “Scale anthropomorphic hand based on human anatomy with linear actuators as the basis for motion”. Tekhnê 14, no. 1 (July 3, 2017): 27–42. Accessed September 19, 2024.


Hernández S. D, Lee L. R. Scale anthropomorphic hand based on human anatomy with linear actuators as the basis for motion. Tekhnê [Internet]. 2017 Jul. 3 [cited 2024 Sep. 19];14(1):27-42. Available from:

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