ZIDRES Law: Emergent Normative Foundation of State Legitimacy in Rural Areas in Colombia

Ley ZIDRES: fundamentos normativos emergentes de legitimidad estatal en áreas rurales de Colombia


  • Gina Paola Rico Méndez Social Science Research Center at Mississippi State University


food security, large-scale agricultura, rural governance, state-building (en).


agricultura a gran escala, construcción del Estado, gobernanza rural, seguridad alimentaria (es).

Abstract (en)

This work builds off the observations of contemporary scholarship in the study of food security to explore its potential effects on the normative foundations of state legitimacy and rural governance. Today the concept of food security is different; states no longer need to primarily rely on domestic agricultural production to feed their population. Similarly, countries with available land for agriculture like Colombia are exposed to an increasing rush for land which is transforming the dynamics of rural governance. The article suggests that central government is willing to outsource governing functions in remote areas to private investors as long as they increase economic output, control populations and provide public goods. This finding has important implications for the post-conflict scenario in Colombia.

Abstract (es)

Este trabajo surge del análisis de las transformaciones en la narrativa sobre seguridad alimentaria y sus efectos sobre los fundamentos normativos de la legitimidad estatal y la gobernanza rural. El concepto de seguridad alimentaria es diferente, en tanto los países no necesitan depender exclusivamente de la producción agrícola nacional para alimentar su población. Simultáneamente, países con tierra cultivable disponible, como Colombia, se encuentran expuestos a una creciente demanda de tierras para proyectos agrícolas; este fenómeno está transformando la gobernanza rural. El artículo sugiere que el Estado está dispuesto a ceder funciones de gobierno a inversionistas privados en áreas remotas, esperando crecimiento económico, control poblacional y provisión de bienes públicos. Dicho modelo tiene importantes implicaciones para el post-acuerdo en Colombia. 


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How to Cite


Rico Méndez, G. P. (2017). ZIDRES Law: Emergent Normative Foundation of State Legitimacy in Rural Areas in Colombia. Ciudad Paz-Ando, 10(1), 7–19. https://doi.org/10.14483/2422278X.11648


Rico Méndez, G.P. 2017. ZIDRES Law: Emergent Normative Foundation of State Legitimacy in Rural Areas in Colombia. Ciudad Paz-Ando. 10, 1 (Jul. 2017), 7–19. DOI:https://doi.org/10.14483/2422278X.11648.


Rico Méndez, G. P. ZIDRES Law: Emergent Normative Foundation of State Legitimacy in Rural Areas in Colombia. Ciudad Pazando 2017, 10, 7-19.


RICO MÉNDEZ, Gina Paola. ZIDRES Law: Emergent Normative Foundation of State Legitimacy in Rural Areas in Colombia. Ciudad Paz-Ando, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 1, p. 7–19, 2017. DOI: 10.14483/2422278X.11648. Disponível em: https://geox.udistrital.edu.co/index.php/cpaz/article/view/11648. Acesso em: 28 sep. 2024.


Rico Méndez, Gina Paola. 2017. “ZIDRES Law: Emergent Normative Foundation of State Legitimacy in Rural Areas in Colombia”. Ciudad Paz-Ando 10 (1):7-19. https://doi.org/10.14483/2422278X.11648.


Rico Méndez, G. P. (2017) “ZIDRES Law: Emergent Normative Foundation of State Legitimacy in Rural Areas in Colombia”, Ciudad Paz-Ando, 10(1), pp. 7–19. doi: 10.14483/2422278X.11648.


G. P. Rico Méndez, “ZIDRES Law: Emergent Normative Foundation of State Legitimacy in Rural Areas in Colombia”, Ciudad Pazando, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 7–19, Jul. 2017.


Rico Méndez, Gina Paola. “ZIDRES Law: Emergent Normative Foundation of State Legitimacy in Rural Areas in Colombia”. Ciudad Paz-Ando, vol. 10, no. 1, July 2017, pp. 7-19, doi:10.14483/2422278X.11648.


Rico Méndez, Gina Paola. “ZIDRES Law: Emergent Normative Foundation of State Legitimacy in Rural Areas in Colombia”. Ciudad Paz-Ando 10, no. 1 (July 24, 2017): 7–19. Accessed September 28, 2024. https://geox.udistrital.edu.co/index.php/cpaz/article/view/11648.


Rico Méndez GP. ZIDRES Law: Emergent Normative Foundation of State Legitimacy in Rural Areas in Colombia. Ciudad Pazando [Internet]. 2017 Jul. 24 [cited 2024 Sep. 28];10(1):7-19. Available from: https://geox.udistrital.edu.co/index.php/cpaz/article/view/11648

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