




Artículos de Investigación

Teachers´ construction of their professional self image while working in an autonomous learning setting.


  • Ana Milena Morales Sossa Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
  • Luis Gabriel Díaz Luna
  • Jairo Alberto Carrillo Carrillo


Resumen (en)

This article presents the results of a Research project which aims at exploring teachers' narratives regarding the construction of their professional self-image whilst working in an autonomous learning setting. This study was conducted in a public university in Boyacá Colombia, with a sample of four full time teachers. The results of the study indicate that those who work in an autonomous learning setting construct their self-image throughout their professional lives; this process is the result of the impressions from their own teachers, their previous and current teaching experiences, and their expectations about the future. Likewise, the participants defined autonomy in accordance with their reality at the Language Institute as follows: Firstly, as a utopian possibility for teachers, due to the very restricted scope to propose, make choices and act freely in academic activities. Secondly, as a real happening, possible to occur in external contexts when conducting research and attending conferences.


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Cómo citar


Morales Sossa, A. M., Díaz Luna, L. G., y Carrillo Carrillo, J. A. (2017). Teachers´ construction of their professional self image while working in an autonomous learning setting. Tecnogestión: Una mirada al ambiente, 14(1).


Morales Sossa, A.M. et al. 2017. Teachers´ construction of their professional self image while working in an autonomous learning setting. Tecnogestión: Una mirada al ambiente. 14, 1 (dic. 2017).


Morales Sossa, A. M.; Díaz Luna, L. G.; Carrillo Carrillo, J. A. Teachers´ construction of their professional self image while working in an autonomous learning setting. Tecnogestión mirada ambient. 2017, 14.


MORALES SOSSA, Ana Milena; DÍAZ LUNA, Luis Gabriel; CARRILLO CARRILLO, Jairo Alberto. Teachers´ construction of their professional self image while working in an autonomous learning setting. Tecnogestión: Una mirada al ambiente, [S. l.], v. 14, n. 1, 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 sep. 2024.


Morales Sossa, Ana Milena, Luis Gabriel Díaz Luna, y Jairo Alberto Carrillo Carrillo. 2017. «Teachers´ construction of their professional self image while working in an autonomous learning setting». Tecnogestión: Una mirada al ambiente 14 (1).


Morales Sossa, A. M., Díaz Luna, L. G. y Carrillo Carrillo, J. A. (2017) «Teachers´ construction of their professional self image while working in an autonomous learning setting»., Tecnogestión: Una mirada al ambiente, 14(1). Disponible en: (Accedido: 18 septiembre 2024).


A. M. Morales Sossa, L. G. Díaz Luna, y J. A. Carrillo Carrillo, «Teachers´ construction of their professional self image while working in an autonomous learning setting»., Tecnogestión mirada ambient., vol. 14, n.º 1, dic. 2017.


Morales Sossa, Ana Milena, et al. «Teachers´ construction of their professional self image while working in an autonomous learning setting». Tecnogestión: Una mirada al ambiente, vol. 14, n.º 1, diciembre de 2017,


Morales Sossa, Ana Milena, Luis Gabriel Díaz Luna, y Jairo Alberto Carrillo Carrillo. «Teachers´ construction of their professional self image while working in an autonomous learning setting». Tecnogestión: Una mirada al ambiente 14, no. 1 (diciembre 5, 2017). Accedido septiembre 18, 2024.


Morales Sossa AM, Díaz Luna LG, Carrillo Carrillo JA. Teachers´ construction of their professional self image while working in an autonomous learning setting. Tecnogestión mirada ambient. [Internet]. 5 de diciembre de 2017 [citado 18 de septiembre de 2024];14(1). Disponible en:

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